
Added on
21 May 2024
MetaForms's cover

MetaForms is an AI-powered platform transforming form creation for feedback, surveys, and research. It offers quick setup, higher completion rates, and real-time adaptive questioning, ideal for businesses and researchers

MetaForms Introduction

MetaForms is transforming the way individuals and organizations create and manage forms for feedback, surveys, and research. Ideal for businesses, researchers, and anyone needing streamlined data collection, MetaForms merges the simplicity of Typeform with the conversational intelligence of ChatGPT. This AI-powered platform enables users to design dynamic, interactive forms that adapt to respondents' answers in real-time, providing a more engaging and personalized experience. Utilizing advanced AI algorithms, MetaForms not only simplifies form creation but also enhances data accuracy and insights. Experience the next generation of form creation with MetaForms and take your data collection to new heights.

MetaForms Features

MetaForms is an AI-driven form creation tool that enhances the efficiency of gathering actionable insights. Here's an overview of its key features:

Quick Setup Time

  • Overview: Significantly reduces the time needed to set up forms, including conditions, logics, and branching.
  • Details:
    • Automated Setup: The AI handles the setup process, reducing the need for manual configuration.
    • Intuitive Interface: Users can create complex forms effortlessly using a drag-and-drop interface.
    • Pre-built Templates: Offers a variety of pre-built templates tailored to different industries and use cases.
  • User Benefits:
    • 85% Faster Setup: Rapid deployment allows quicker data collection and analysis.
    • Ease of Use: Even non-technical users can create sophisticated forms easily.

Higher Completion Rate

  • Overview: Uses AI-driven acknowledgements and contextual framing to boost form completion rates.
  • Details:
    • Personalized Questions: AI personalizes questions in real-time based on user responses, increasing engagement.
    • Contextual Framing: Questions are framed in relevant contexts, reducing drop-off rates.
    • Real-time Feedback: Provides immediate feedback and acknowledgements, encouraging form completion.
  • User Benefits:
    • 30% Higher Completion: More engaging forms lead to higher completion rates.
    • Improved User Experience: Users find forms more relevant and less monotonous.

Net New Data Points

  • Overview: Utilizes adaptive AI to ask follow-up questions based on user responses, generating richer insights.
  • Details:
    • Adaptive Questioning: AI adapts forms in real-time, asking relevant follow-up questions.
    • Cohort Analysis: Analyzes responses within a cohort to identify patterns and trends for targeted follow-ups.
    • Enhanced Data Collection: Ensures comprehensive data collection, providing a richer dataset.
  • User Benefits:
    • 42% More Data Points: Gain deeper insights into user behavior, preferences, and intent.
    • Actionable Insights: Additional data points lead to better decision-making.

MetaForms Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do our customers like us?
    MetaForms enables CX Managers to efficiently gather and analyze customer feedback, aiding in enhancing overall customer experience.

  2. What’s the most important priority for my users?
    Product Managers can identify user priorities and needs, ensuring product development aligns with user expectations through MetaForms' data analysis.

  3. How much should we charge?
    Founders can conduct market research and gather pricing feedback, helping determine optimal pricing strategies based on real user input.

  4. What’s not working for our employees?
    People Managers can collect feedback from employees about workplace issues, helping address problems affecting satisfaction and productivity.

  5. Is the course useful at all?
    Course Managers can assess course effectiveness by gathering participant feedback, using it to improve content and delivery.

  6. What gets my website visitors excited?
    Website owners can gather feedback about engaging aspects of their site, enhancing user experience and engagement.

  7. What is the conversion % with MetaForms?
    MetaForms provides tools to track and measure conversion rates from feedback forms, aiding in data-driven decisions to improve conversion rates.

  8. If every feedback is unique, how will I analyze them?
    Advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms categorize and analyze unique feedback, extracting common themes and actionable insights.

  9. How’s this different from Typeform and SurveyMonkey?
    MetaForms offers advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, supporting a wider range of use cases beyond traditional surveys.

  10. Is there a free trial?
    Yes, MetaForms offers a free trial for users to explore features before committing to a subscription.

  11. Can this be used for other use cases than feedback?
    MetaForms is versatile and can be used for market research, employee surveys, course evaluations, and more.

  12. Do I need to know how to code?
    No, MetaForms is designed to be user-friendly and requires no coding knowledge, featuring an intuitive interface.

  13. How does MetaForms customize a personalized experience?
    Uses data analysis and learning algorithms to tailor the user experience based on behavior and preferences.

  14. What technologies optimize MetaForms' core functions?
    Machine learning and data analytics optimize core functions, providing accurate insights and recommendations.

  15. How does MetaForms support multi-language input and output?
    Supports multiple languages, allowing global accessibility and enhanced user interaction.

  16. How does MetaForms integrate with other systems?
    Offers integration capabilities with various systems, ensuring compatibility with existing technology ecosystems.

  17. What are some successful cases of MetaForms in practical applications?
    Businesses across various industries successfully use MetaForms for feedback collection and analysis, with positive feedback on ease of use and advanced analytics.

  18. What are the future development plans for MetaForms?
    Future plans include enhanced analytics, additional integrations, and further customization options based on user feedback and market demand.

MetaForms Pricing & Services

Pricing Plans

Basic Plan

  • Price: Free
  • Features:
    • 200 responses
    • 1 user
    • Unlimited metaforms
    • Unlimited AI questions

Business Plan

  • Price: $0/month
  • Features:
    • 2,000 responses
    • 5 users
    • Custom 3D-Avatar

Special Offer

MetaForms is offering a special promotion for the first 10,000 customers: all AI features free for a lifetime. Act fast!

Free Version

MetaForms provides a free version with the Basic Plan, including essential features to get started without financial commitment.

Refund Policy

Currently, MetaForms does not mention a specific refund policy, given the free nature of their plans.

How to Get Started

  1. Sign Up: Create an account on the MetaForms website.
  2. Choose a Plan: Select either the Basic or Business plan.
  3. Start Building: Begin creating your AI-native experiences.

Customer Support

For any questions or technical support, contact MetaForms through their website's support page.

Don't miss out on this incredible offer! Sign up now and start building your AI-native experiences for free.